Resources for beef producers during market disruptions
The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is aiming to help producers manage their operations during the COVID-19 related market disruptions being experienced this spring.
Beef supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19 are challenging producers to make difficult decisions and adapt to changing situations. As beef farmers consider making strategic production and management adjustments in response to shifting cattle markets, the resources listed below provide information and may support you in assessment, planning, and decision-making.

The following topics producers may find helpful (plus so much more) are available on the BCRC website:
- Feeding & Nutrition
- Feed Shortages or Drought Conditions
- Cattle Health & Welfare
- Culling Cattle
- Financial Management
- Mental Health Support
Research is slated to receive approximately 26% of revenue this year to invest in beef, cattle and forage research. The BCRC is directed by a committee of dedicated beef producers from across the country.
Want to learn more about the value of research and how your check-off dollars work for you? Check out this link.
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