About Us
The Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency administers the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off; a mandatory levy collected on cattle sales throughout Canada to fund research and marketing activities on behalf of the entire industry. It is collected from cattle producers when they market their cattle by provincial organizations, using their existing collection systems involving auction markets, order buyers, brand inspectors and others who handle cattle sales.
The goal of the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off is twofold – to increase sales of domestic and export beef and to find better and more efficient methods of producing beef and beef cattle. The Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off generates $19.1 million* annually on average, and is a critical source of revenue to fund initiatives that will advance the industry and build strong markets for Canadian cattle and beef.
The Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off provides industry funding for the Beef Cattle Research Council responsible for the industry’s national research program, Canada Beef for market development and promotion, and for public and stakeholder engagement, administered by the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) in partnership with Canada Beef and under the oversight of the Canadian Beef Advisors.
While the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off provides the core industry funding for research and marketing programs, it does not fully cover the costs of all programs and activities. Supplementary funding is available through government programs, and is obtained by leveraging the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off through the investments into research, market development and promotion.
The Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency also collects an Import Levy, equal to the domestic check-off amount per head or equivalent, on beef cattle, beef and beef and beef products. Import levy dollars are invested into generic beef programs, like #ThinkBeef that do not bear the Canadian Beef Brandmark, such as culinary skills, and health and wellness.
The Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off is managed and administered by the Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency, which is the operating name of the Canadian Beef Cattle Research, Market Development and Promotion Agency.
The Agency is required to submit an annual business plan to the Farm Products Council of Canada on all activities which will receive check-off support. This plan includes a high level overview of the work the Agency will conduct, as well as the work of each of the service providers who provide research programs, market development and promotion, and public and stakeholder engagement programs.
Looking for some takeaway information? Check out or download our brochure:

Understanding Your Check-Off (September 2024)
* 5 year average (2019-2023)